Finding Your Way Around
Points of Interest In the Building

The Worship Center (Sanctuary)
As you enter the building, the worship space will be in front of you. The people around the doors are there to provide you with a written order of service (bulletin) and assist you in finding a seat if you desire assistance. We do not have assigned seating, so pick any space that is convenient. If you are new to our church and have not been to a Lutheran Church before this visit, you may want to sit about two-thirds of the way from the front of the worship area. That location will enable you to follow the people in front of you during the service. While not an official or unofficial policy of the church, often the parents with very small children will sit at the back of the church to have quick access to the restrooms. We love that parents demonstrate the priority of faith development in their little children by attending church. For us, the noise of little ones in worship is a beautiful song of praise.

The Restrooms
When you enter the building the restrooms are down the stairs. Look for the signs to guide your way. The men's and women's restrooms have fully stocked changing stations.

Fellowship Hall
We value opportunities to encourage each other as we gather for coffee and an occasional meal. Our primary place to gather around food is the area we call the "Fellowship Hall." It is located in the lower level. In addition to the large gathering space, the Fellowship Hall contains the restrooms and a kitchen.